I didn’t think I would do much for Spring break, but boy was I wrong. Spring break started slow, but went by faster and faster everyday. The first thing I did was just sit around, playing with my Lego K’NEX. Tuesday of Spring Break, my dad took my two brothers and me to the zoo. The 7 hours we were there seemed like only 1 hour. The time went by fast! My favorite section of the zoo was the reptiles buildings. There were dozens of different insects and snakes. My favorite creature in the selections was a turtle named a Red Eared Slider. They were my favorite because I have two of them back home. I liked every creature at the zoo as well. There were different reactions to different animals like becoming weirded out in the insect section, creeped out in the snake section, wowed in the lion section, and the penguin section that made me laugh. After i got back from the zoo, I went to bed because it was late. The next day, my dad and I worked on my bike. My rear derailleur was extremely unaligned. The rear derailleur is that gadget on the back of a mountain bike that switches the chain from gear to gear. Something like this:
This took a long time because the gear cable needs to be perfectly tightened or the derailleur won’t switch the chain to the right gear. I am thankful my dad was there to help me or I would of NEVER been able to finish it by myself. I can’t wait until the summer because I’ll be running around, or riding around.